Lowongan ADMIN KOPERASI PT Ace Hardware Indonesia
PT. Ace Hardware Indonesia, Tbk, as a Member of Kawan Lama Retail Group, is the most complete home improvement and lifestyle store in Indonesia. With its slogan "The Helpful Place", ACE intends to deliver Do-It-Yourself concept through its quality products. ACE has over 83 stores in more than 25 big cities in the country, with ACE Living World Alam Sutera - the biggest ACE store in Indonesia and the world - as the flagship store, offers more than 75.000 quality products in the area of 15.000 meter square. ACE has achieved various awards like Quality Management System ISO 9001 - 2000 Certificate, SQ Award, Best Mid-Cap Company, 100 Best Emiten, Top 50 Best Companies, etc., as a prove that beyond product selections, ACE is also focus on providing customer satisfaction. *PT. ACE Hardware Indonesia* also operates Bike Colony - one stop solution for complete bikes and bike accessories; Dr. Kong - provider of healthy shoes and other health products. *TOYS KINGDOM* *Toys Kingdom (PT. Toys Games Indonesia*), a Member of Kawan Lama Retail Group, is the greatest toys store with more than 10.000 quality products categorized into 8 major departments. With the tagline "Creating Smiles", Toys Kingdom seeks to bring fun, joy and smiles into the toy store. Toys Kingdom introduces stores with lifestyle concept for kids and parents in the age ranging from 0-90 years old. Nowadays, Toys Kingdom operates 17 stores spreaded in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Depok, Cibubur, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, and Medan, with its flagship store is located at Living World Alam Sutera.
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
- Wanita
- Pendidikan min S1 dari segala jurusan (lebih disukai dari jurusan Finance/Accounting)
- Usia maks 28 tahun
- Berpengalaman di bidang administrasi dan keuangan min 2 tahun
- Lebih disukai yang pernah menangani koperasi untuk karyawan
- Pernah menangani koperasi dalam lingkup perusahaan
- Lebih disukai koperasi karyawan retail
- Komunikatif, teliti, dan bersedia bekerja di bawah tekanan
- Penempatan untuk Head Office - Meruya Jakarta Barat
Pelamar yang berminat dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran, pas photo terbaru, dan nomor HP aktif melalui email: birgita.pertiwi@kawanlamaretail.com
Harap cantumkan kode "*ADMIN KOPERASI*" pada kolom subject.
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