Lowongan SPG Merchandiser Staf PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories
Having established the Nitra Pharmacies in the early 1960s, and his son Dr. Joesoef BS. Joesoef Eddy decided to not only take part in trade but also in the production of pharmaceutical manufacture. This dream realized in 1980, when dr. Joesoef Eddy decided to become a dermatologist, along with other family members founded the PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories. However, the limited capital investment at the time, the daily activities of the company is more engaged as a cottage industry. After 10 years, PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories feel the need for change becomes more modern company and a pharmaceutical company competitive. Later in 1990 the company held a major restructuring at the operational and managerial. A year later, dr. Joesoef Eddy decided to resign and transfer the company's leadership to his son, Juzardi Joesoef. In applying the focus and strategic planning, new management models capable of increasing corporate profits four times higher in the period of one and a half years, which was recorded as a proud achievement Since then, management has been managing and maintaining business growth averaged 32 % per year. After 30 years with satisfactory progress as a company, PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories never stop here. For the next PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories will always be ready to face challenges and take chances of success for all employees and partners PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories. With the experience and dedication of more than 20 years, PT Galenium decided to become a leader in the health care industry - company manufacturing and distribution of drugs, skin care and cosmetic products. Of a home-based business industry, PT Galenium Pharmasia has become a nationwide company with a factory area of 20,000 M facilities and equipment are modern and rapidly increasing consistently.
Tanggung Jawab :
- Melakukan kegiatan penjualan dan promosi di outlet yang menjad tanggung jawabnya
- Memonitoring kecukupan stock yang ada di outlet dan memenuhi target penjualan
- Membuat laporan penjualan mingguannya
- Bertugas di 3-6 toko yang dilakukan bergiliran setiap hari (Seperti SPG, hanya setiap harinya pindah area)
Persyaratan :
- Wanita
- Usia maksimal 28 Tahun
- Pendidikan maksimal SMA/ SMk
- Berpengalaman menjadi SPG perusahaan minimal 1 Tahun
- Mampu bekerja secara tim ataupun individu
- Memiliki sikap disiplin, ramah, pekerja keras dan tanggng jawab
- Berpenampilan menarik (tinggi Minimal 160 cm, tidak memiliki bekas luka) dan tidak berjerawat
- Bias menyendarai motor dan memiliki SIM C
Penempatan : Wilayah Jabodetabek (Di sesuaikan dengan tempat tinggal)
Kirimkan lamaran, CV dan pas photo terbaru dengan ukuran max. 200kb, ke :
Email : niken.p@galenium.com atau
Alaamt : HRD PT. Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories Jl. Aditiawarman No. 67 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12160
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