Lowongan Staf IT PT Gunung Raja Paksi
From the humble beginning of a small welding workshop in Medan, Sumatra Utara, our company has now became the major player in steel industry in South East Asia. Formed on 1986, Gunung Steel Group (GSG) was formally known as Gunung Garuda Group and our groupĆ¢€™s name change to Gunung Steel Group in 2001. At the starting of our company, Gunung Steel Group produces hot rolled steel profiles, and have gradually added a range of different profile beams into our product lines under PT. Gunung Garuda. After successfully produce profile beam products, our group later expands into flat steel products in the early years of 2000s, producing variety grades of hot rolled coils and plates (sheet). With more than 27 years of experience in the steel industry, we have the ability to produce 1.950.000 metric tonnes of steel per year and we are currently expanding our capacity and capability in response to the better outlook of IndonesiaĆ¢€™s development by being the most comprehensive integrated steel mills in Indonesia. All of our operation process is handled and controlled by experts from Indonesia that has many years of experience in the steel industry, ensuring that we are able to maintain our commitment to quality and reliability. Gunung Steel Group is located in Cikarang Barat, West Java Province, Indonesia. Our combined head office and mills are located in the same complex area covering over 200 hectares. With these combinations in the same area enables us to effectively manage and execute our production and services processes with the maximum efficiency. Today, Gunung Steel Group is composed from 3 companies that are working together to provide the best solutions for our clients: One Stop Steel Shop not to be found anywhere else.
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
- Menyusun program untuk kebutuhan operasional dan Administrasi perusahaan
- Maintain program yang sudah dibuat
- Menangani keluhan dari karyawan
Persyaratan :
- Usia 22-27 tahun
- Pendidikan D3/S1 IT
- Berpengalaman sebagai programmer di manufaktur selama minimal 2 tahun
- Menguasai Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, C# language dan X++
- Menguasai SQL Server 2008
- Menguasai dotNET
- Mahir menggunakan komputer (Ms. Office).
- Teliti dan cekatan
- Bersedia bekerja keras dan dibawah tekanan
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani
- Bersedia ditempatkan di area Cibitung
Datang langsung untuk proses seleksi pada : Tanggal 18 September 2014 pada pkl. 08.00 WIB Membawa surat lamaran, foto copy KTP, SKCK, ijazah terakhir, foto berwarna dan CV ke : Jln. Imam Bonjol IV Warung Bongkok Desa Sukadanau, Cibitung, Bekasi-17520 (Kunjungi situs kami di : www.grdsteel.com )
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